- Restaurant
- Lounge and Bar
- Spa & Body work (In Villa Spa Treatment)
- Art Gallery
- 24 hours reception
- Golf Car
- Complimentary Shuttle Bus to Ubud Center
- Car Rental
- Free Parking space
- Natural spring water pool
- 24 hours Doctor on call
- 24 hours Service
- Postal Service
- Money Changer
- Tour Arrangement
- Bicycle Rental
- Laundry & Dry Clean
- In-villa SPA Treatment
- In-villa Candle Light Dinner
- Balinese Dressing Photo Shooting
- Baby Sitting
- Yoga Class
- Dance Lesson
- Gamelan Lesson
- Painting Lesson
- Carving Lesson
- Cooking Class
Information and review hotels and tourist attractions in Bali Indonesia.Find hotel accommodation for discount,promotion,best deal,best price,best offer,tourist destination,tourist attractions,beach,temple,and hotel booking in Bali Indonesia
Bali is one of the world's favorite tourist destinations.Bali island famous as thousand temples,has been the main destinations for prospective tourists who will do the holiday.As one of the favorite tourist attractions,Bali has equipped itself with a variety of tourist facilities and infrastructure that can assist the tourists in meeting all their needs during holiday in Bali.One of the most vital needs for the tourists is the need for a accommodation facilities and adequate.
Hotel can divided into several levels,namely:jasmine hotel,one star,two star,three star hotel with a five star hotel,even today there are several hotels with a predicate plus or five star hotel or five stars diamond hotel.All those hotels continuosly will offer Hotel Promotions that can be found directly in Hotel website or Hotel service promotions.
Many choices of hotels in bali are scattered almost every tourist areas in Bali,such as Kuta, Legian, Seminyak, Jimbaran, Nusa Dua,Sanur,Ubud,Candi Dasa,Lovina,Denpasar,as well as other attractions.